
Hydro Flushing of Clogged Drain Pipes / Perimeter Drain Cleaning

Many people understand the value of changing oil in your car, however when it comes to cleaning or servicing your perimeter drains most are unaware. Soil and debris builds up in the perimeter piping system around your home, both from the roof water connections, the native soil and leaves/needles from trees. Iron oxide and clay slurry are two common contributors to a clogged drain tile system. With pipe material varying from cement tile, clay tile, Big-O to PVC.  A high pressure water cleaning system or “Hydro flusher” is used to clean the inside walls of the pipe, drawing debris back to the sump where it can be removed and disposed of.  It is a very successful way of cleaning the piping system without causing any risk of damage to the pipe. While most people wait for a flood, dampness or smell to decide to complete this service, we suggest regular maintenance to lengthen the life of the system. It is recommended that every 2 to 5 years you have your drain tile serviced and sump cleaned in areas of normal soil conditions. If you have an abundance of iron oxide in your soil or are in a heavily treed area, you may require more frequent service.

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